FUE Hair Transplant Price

(*) A follicular unit can have from 1 to 4 hairs (our price is independent of the quantity) from 2.000 units its price drops to $1 USD per each additional follicular unit.

Remember: Price in USD .

How much does a hair transplant cost?

To calculate the cost of each procedure, we start from the principle that a follicular unit can have from 1 to 4 hairs. The greater the amount of hair to be transplanted, the lower the cost per follicular unit. The price includes the fees of the medical team that performs the intervention, supplies, postoperative medications, controls and a session of Capillary Therapy.

Suppose that 3,000 follicles (approximately 7,500 hairs) are to be implanted, its value would be:

2,000 follicles x $1,8USD = $3,600 USD


1,000 follicles x $1 USD= $1,000 USD

Hair Transplant Price=$4,600 USD

Why is the price of a hair transplant high?

Basically there are two important factors in pricing, On the one hand, the high degree of complexity of the surgery that demands expert and well trained professionals dedicated 100% to this art, and on the other hand, the amount of time and personnel required to obtain a good result (on average 8 hours of surgery and 6 people with exclusive dedication to a single patient per day).

Why have a hair transplant?

Alopecia has a strong psychological and social impact, and each case must be evaluated on an individual and personalized basis. We recommend this procedure to people who wish to recover their hair and improve their self-esteem, as long as they meet certain requirements to be a candidate for the procedure. There are cases where the treatment cannot be applied, due to advanced hair loss, the patient’s age or underlying chronic diseases, even referring to psychological therapy in those cases where it is determined that they need it.

What are the advantages?

The advantages are mainly related to aesthetics and the psychological impact that alopecia can cause in some people. We have had patients for whom the hair transplant has been They feel more self-confident, they stop wearing hats, they stop hiding from the sun, they find a partner much easier, they start taking care of themselves physically and have a positive change in their lifestyle, all of these are things that fill us with joy and that do not have a positive impact on our lives. price.


What is the price of a beard implant?

The price per follicular unit is the same as for hair, but on average the price of a beard implant is slightly lower because the number of hairs needed to fill or define a beard is less.

Why get a beard transplant?

There are a variety of reasons why men choose to grow beards, including: those who want to accentuate their masculine features, those who want a modern hipster look, those who want to cover their teenage acne scars, and those who want a more uniform, denser beard.

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